Well I was about to write a blog about feeling trapped in my own home, but now the subject has changed. Today at church I was reminded how Satan wants us dead, so we won’t go out and spread God’s word. I wondered, how was I supposed to spread the word of God since I can’t drive anywhere, or work..since I'm in bed a lot due to illness. How can I be that warrior for God..Then He reminded me how a beautiful little blond girl spread His fame by sharing about her illness online, and how He was with her family and is with her family every day in the valley and on the mountain top. He reminded me that because of this several people became His children. God also reminded me that another starting point would be becoming friends with my neighbors, assisting them and living like Jesus in front of them. Why does this thought scare me to death? I am not ashamed of my Jesus, if any of them asked me; I would tell them what I believe. Why have I become accustomed to staying here in my small apartment alone? If Jesus lived here, I'm pretty sure, he would not stay inside all day, watching TV or sleeping. Were any of the disciples scared? They were before they were filled with the Holy Spirit. I need a renewing of the Holy Spirit. Why does that scare me as well? Why is there so much fear in my life? What am I afraid of…I'm afraid of meeting new people, I'm afraid of being rejected,I'm afraid I won't stop gaining weight, no matter how hard I try to beat it. I'm afraid of seizures..I know of two people who have died while having a seizure in their sleep, will that happen to me? I'm afraid I will never pay off my debt. I'm afraid of being alone, which is ironically weird because if I would only not be afraid of meeting people then I wouldn’t be alone. God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind and yet my mind is not sound. Forgive my heart Lord, Forgive my unbelief, Forgive my doubt. Holy Spirit rekindle the fire in me..I want to wake up excited to share your news..I want my neighbors to be annoyed with me because I can’t shut up…I want to be like you!