January 1, 2020 we had no idea what this year would bring, no idea! A year that will go down in history, unfortunately for unpleasant reasons. Coronavirus aka Covid hit hard and thousands died deaths unimaginable and all died with no family by their side because catching this disease is far to easy. A nation shut down, people out of work, quarantine another historical event. Through this we are able to see doctors and nurses in a brand new light, they became hero’s. They showed us what it was like to work on the front lines, standing in when family members could not.
May brought Peaceful Protests which are not bad until they turn into riots and buildings and towns burn. When people are afraid to leave their homes and curfews have to be put into place, a different type of fear sets in.
Then we have Nov 8, Election Day, which I won’t elaborate on or share my opinion at this point because that doesn’t matter. This year has proven that we Americans can be loving and helpful to each other in one way and so hateful in others. From what I have seen however Americans are only cruel to each other when it comes to politics. When it comes to natural disasters or pandemics we seem to have each other’s back!
#somegoodnews was a YouTube show started by John Krasinski where all he reported was good news, there was even a virtual prom and graduation held for the class of 2020. #americastrong is broadcast at the end of World News tonight which 95% of the time a story of encouragement and hope is always broadcast. When people needed food, food banks opened up and when they went dry it didn’t seem like it was for very long, because if people could give they would. My church Generation Church in Mesa and Ahwatukee has been able to feed many to those in need. So proud of everyone who could/can help and did.
Now we are in the holiday season, holiday depression, ever had that? It usually hits me on Christmas Day evening. All the anticipation is over the presents are unwrapped, the food has been eaten. I remember as a kid, my siblings and I would watch our taped Christmas video that our parents had recorded that morning so we could live it all over again. Holiday Depression is normal and very common. From the very beginning of October through the end of December we have so many holidays and we are so geared up for Christmas and it seems just like in the twinkling of an eye and its over. Sorrow is hard no matter what, but especially at Christmas and especially this year.
Covid has hit my family. I know other people who have had it, and thankfully survived. I know someone who knows someone who died from it. However now it has hit my family and because of this I will not be able to share Christmas with all of my family. There is one difference between my situation and that of others. I will get to see my family again, because thank God my family members symptoms have not become so bad that they have entered the hospital, only quarantine. So although we will not be sharing December 24 and 25 together, Christmas will still come, Santa will still come to the Barkman household.
Other families are not so lucky they have lost family members and friends that otherwise wouldn’t have died if Covid hadn’t taken them. I may not get to see my family on Christmas Day, but I will still get to see them again. I may be sad about missing them, I still have to keep reminding myself about that good news, they get to come home.
In the Bible, Mark 14, the disciples thought that the angry sea separated them from Jesus. In fact, some of them thought something even worse, they thought that the trouble they were facing was a sign that He had forgotten them and did not care about them. O dear friend that is when your troubles can cause the most harm. The Devil comes and whispers to you, "God has forgotten you" or "God has forsaken you” and your unbelieving heart cries out, as Gideon once did, "If the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us?" (Judg. 6:13) God has allowed the difficulty to come upon you, in order to bring you closer to Himself. It has come Not to separate you from Jesus but to cause you to cling to Him more faithfully, more firmly, and more simply. Written by F.S. Weber
I hope God has brought you comfort through these words and remember the 1st Christmas gift ever given was a sweet baby, Jesus our Savior, who came to save the world from their sins. A Savior who to this day reaches down to save and comfort those who are walking through Valleys of Shadows and death to light our way. May you never forget that Jesus has not left you but is clinging to you more than ever before…continue to cling to Him…never lose hope…remember hope means, Hold On Pain Ends…Merry Christmas