I'm here to voice my comments about Bandit...For those of you who don't live here in AZ, Bandit is a K9 officer who was left in is handler's car for 12 hours and died. There is now a huge debate around the state asking if this officer should be held responsible for Bandit's death. Ive been reading people's comments and opinions and some are just unbelievable. Some want him tried for murder, some say there is a Technology device that will beep if you leave a child or animal in the vehicle. I cant believe people that are suffering from this disorder of forgetfulness. We do not need technology to help us, maybe we just need to be slapped around a bit, what is our world coming to...where we are so preoccupied with so many other things that we forget vital members of our family? We should put ourselves in these poor children's shoes or pet's paws, imagine if you were out with a loved one, and they left you in a car and you did not have the capability to get out. Imagine as a child or an animal being with someone you trust and that person never came back. How can a child be forgotten and as far as Bandit goes Mrs. Lovejoy says "We all considered Bandit apart of our family". Here is a question i have for her, would she or Officer Lovejoy leave a member of their family in the car for 12 hours, i just cant fathom forgetting about a family member for this long, or at all for that matter. What is really sad is that there is not this much of an outrage when a child is forgotten or injured. I do not think this Officer should be tried for Murder, but he should have something done or taken from him. I admire and respect Sheriff Joe for conducting this investigation.
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