There are some religions who aside from Jesus, lift up a man, saint, or even Mary. Respectfully I agree that Mary and the saints should never be forgotten, but to worship is not what God wanted from us. I love reading stories in the Bible and learning that the people we hold to high sometimes are simply human beings just as we are. People who had doubts, fears and temptations. Although it is easy to forget this, being that they made it into the Bible. I was reading Luke today and came across this verse. Luke 2:46, After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting amongst the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Imagine with me Mary and Joseph during these three days. What must have gone through their minds as they looked for the Son of God! Walking through the streets of Jerusalem, probably running through the streets, calling out Jesus, Jesus with no answer. Mary who had found favor with God and was given the amazing honor no one else in the world will ever know to have this child, has now lost him. What must she been thinking. "I will never find favor with God again" She was probably afraid of God, what might he do to her, or afraid that the Son of God may be hurt or die before he can accomplish God's will. The fate of the world is in this child and she has lost him. Do you think Mary and Joseph were mad at each other, blaming each other? Joseph may have thought, "I knew I should have divorced her, then I wouldn't be in this mess." Maybe he thought Mary is so young, she herself is only a child why is she the mother of God. If I were Mary I might have thought, "This man is supposed to be the provider and protector of our family and he lost the Son of God!!" Verse 26 states, When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, "Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you." To which Jesus replies, "Why were you searching for me?" Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?" In some versions of scripture it states, "Didn't you know I would be about my Father's business. Jesus the boy may have thought, you both know why I am here on this earth, why are you afraid, why are you upset and anxious? God has promised to use me to save the world, why would you doubt?

Have you spent time "looking for the Son of God"? Have you felt like he was gone from your midst and you anxiously search afraid of what might happen when you find him. Imagine being face to face with your maker. Imagine him taking your hands in his and Him looking into your eyes. Imagine him saying, "Why were you searching for me? Didn't you know I would be about my father's business." What exactly is our Father's business. God being a Father, I believe taking care of his children. Mary and Joseph were afraid, and rightly so, they were human beings, they were not perfect. We are human beings, imperfect in so many ways. We seem to search for what is right there waiting for us to sit at his feet and take him in Jesus, himself did this very thing in the Temple, while his parent's searched, he listened to the teachers and asked questions. Mary, the sister of Martha did this when Jesus was at her home speaking, she sat at his feet in awe. So many times I have thought, like Thomas, if I could only see Jesus visually, audibly hear him or feel his arms around me, it would be easier to believe. Where would faith come in or what would we have in Heaven to look forward too, if we could experience that now. Much like being married has certain things we can look forward to, so does seeing Jesus face to face. For now I see Jesus in the creation around me, I hear Jesus when the birds outside my window sing or when the waves are crashing against the shore. I feel Jesus when a cool breeze blows by or when my nieces and nephews are excited to see me and run to give me a hug. The Son of God is all around me, always doing his Father's business, Jesus help me to be like you, always about your Father's business.

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